"Working with Values: Software of the Mind"
Warren Kinston

Published by The SIGMA Centre Ltd, London UK
ISBN 1 874726 02 7
656+xv pages—including a glossary of 700 items, 46 summary maps and matrices, and 2 comprehensive indexes.
Approx. A4 size, printed on acid-free paper, hard-back and case-bound, durable simulated leather covering. £150/US$300 + P&P&Insurance (£10 or US$20).
This major text offers a systematic and practical account of purpose, value, obligation and authority in organizations and society. It deals with practical, organizational, political, personal, communal, ethical and spiritual aspects, and provides the design principles for realizing values in society and within its organizations. The reader is left free to determine what those values, goals or rules should be. Many examples and applications are included. There is also a new classification of organizations based on their social function.
The book covers many frameworks now known to be within «
», the 6th Root Level in the Taxonomy of Human Elements in Endeavour.The complete Table of Contents can be downloaded here.
You can download most Chapters FREE by visiting this download page.
Note: These pdf files have been extracted from Quark Express originals and have minor font and layout imperfections not found in the hardcopy.
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Working with Values: Software of the Mind
Originally posted: July 2009; Last updated: 22-Feb-2014